The Southeast
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The Southeast

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December 10, 2015 — In Miami, greeting a stranger in Spanish is more commonplace than in any other city in the U.S. where Latinos are the majority. The receptionist at my hotel greeted me in Spanish as I walked in to check in, as did the bell hop and all the housekeepers.

There was no place that I went in Little Habana and many parts of Miami proper where Spanish was not being spoken. I was greeted in Spanish in every store, in the street or on an elevator. When a driver felt I wasn't crossing the street fast enough, I was yelled at in Spanish and once even sworn at in very colorful Spanish.

Every sign on Calle Ocho was in Spanish and only a few were bilingual.
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This store was by far my favorite. The building caught my attention because it reminds me of a Del's Lemonade color scheme. The sign says: "We sell special canaries. And they sing." I went inside to talk to the owner. He did not want to be photographed, but allowed me to take this photo of his store.


Being greeted in Spanish doesn't happen as much when I visits other cities with high Latino populations. More on this in my next post, as I conclude my visit to Miami.

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